song music

美 [sɔːŋ ˈmjuːzɪk]英 [sɒŋ ˈmjuːzɪk]
  • 歌曲音乐
song musicsong music
  1. Instrumental accompaniment not only improves the performing power of singing , but also enhances the artistic presentation of song music .


  2. However , academics pay less attention to the dynastic history of Northern Song music .


  3. · The establishment of the character of Nan Song Music and the impact and status in the history of ancient China music .


  4. In the afterword the author discusses some consideration of Northern Song music and its study according to the chronicle .


  5. Music narration is the major descriptive form of the Song music notes . The authors record the music events they saw and heard , covering a broad range .


  6. Study on the Ersipu notation and the special rhythms of Chaozhou music reveal the influences of Tang and Song music culture on Chaozhou music .


  7. This article ends with a concluding section , through the first three parts of the discussion and exploration into the layer of the excavation Song music and science and technology inherent in the relationship , Music technology is obtained subject of . value and prospects .


  8. Connection and transformation between essay , poesy , song and music


  9. The folk song showed music characteristic and the common custom characteristic of Chan faction .


  10. In the fourth chapter , I focus on the historical reconstruction of the Kingdom of Song court music .


  11. Song Dynasty music stands for an important turning point in the Chinese musical history for its formation is of great changes .


  12. Song of Music and Soul & On CHEN Kai-ge s Film Together with You ;


  13. And if she heard a song or music , she would dance * here is some pictures when she was dancing .


  14. Xu Song , music , classic colors , a touch of emotional overflow , beautiful melodies , always makes his thoughts every now and then .


  15. Those all-time music organizations play a great importance in court music life , especially having a profound impact on the development of Song Dynasty music and court music as well .


  16. Xu Song , music , the definition of self , nothing to suppress , style , always , own songs , mood and beautiful , gentle melody .


  17. As to " the Book of Songs " , put it in poem among region of literature , put it in song on music field , including the lyrics and melody .


  18. I am delighted to extend my warmest greetings to all who have gathered here tonight for the Same Song Global Music Fans Party in celebration of the Chinese New Year .


  19. The bronze musical instruments , as the one with fixed pitch , along with its musical temperament design , pitch tuning , it became an important material base to pursue Song new music system .


  20. James blunt 's hit single'you 're beautiful'was the No.1 song on music charts for so long in many countries , that it has been voted the'most irritating song ever ' .


  21. Last Friday , he performed his new single , Falling Leaf Returns To Root , to thousands of fans in Taipei and unveiled the song 's music video , which he directed .


  22. In this chapter , I summarize the features of the reconstruction of the Kingdom of Song court music and reveal the importance of the " collective memory " for the culture identity of the Chinese national music .


  23. However , due to a number of Chopin Etude music was copied many times , as gifts to different people , so the same song sheet music to practice often different manuscripts , is the source of complexity .


  24. Tang Daqu as a song , music , dance both a comprehensive art form , it can be said on behalf of the the highest arts , cultural level . Daqu " Liang zhou " and " lu zhou ", which are more representative of the two .


  25. Query by Humming / Singing ( QBHS ), which is a branch of Content-Based Audio Retrieval , becomes one of the most natural and convenient music retrieval styles . When a user hums a piece of melody , music retrieval system can search the similar song from music database .


  26. Do you think this song is the music the white boy ultimately play ?


  27. The ' Two of a Kind ' Theme Song : Outstanding Music and Lyrics ( 1983 )


  28. Corpses were found clutching the song 's sheet music . Suicide notes containing lyrics were left .


  29. Defoliation is hovering in the air , writing a song of aesthetic music , which is to thank earth for its nourishment ;


  30. Traditional Chinese music , including folk song and dance music , talking and singing music , opera music and folk instrumental music , is closely connected with folk-song .
